Opinion4u's Logo

Please comment on my blog created by yours truly- JAY ELLIS! Come again!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Back... to the Basics!
I am getting rid of the "This Day in History..." segment because it does not achieve what our goal is here at opinion4u want, and that is your opinion! So here is a question for you blog readers...
How many of you would like us to add more polls?
Answer and your vote will be counted!
How many of you would like us to add more polls?
Answer and your vote will be counted!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Thanksgiving and Football
Hey guys! Its coming up to that holiday season and were kicking it off with some turkey and football! Some how these two go very well togeather. Two question today, "whats your favorite part about thanksgiving?" and "which teams are you cheering for today?"
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Election results 2012
Hey, Rick Jomb here, just wondering what you guys thought about Obama winning the presidential election this year against Governer Romney?New York Times: politics
Monday, November 19, 2012
Hello. I am Hem Taahsy (previusly known as Cyber Elf). The Brains beyond the site. The engineer of the features. I am the manager, influencer, brainwasher,butt-tazer, heart pumping boy genius.I am the...uh..... the thing that does awesome stuff. So guys, my friend Hunter here is the machine that runs Opinion4u. I won't be posting as much as him, but I will still apear on and off. Hem Taahsy REPRESENT!
rik jomb did stuff too
rik jomb did stuff too
Friday, November 16, 2012
Back to our opinion4u self
Encase you were not aware, opinion4u has been turned over from a three person joint operation to a single-man run website that has reached over 2,000 views! I would like to take this moment to thank each and every one of you for visiting this site whenever you can. Each view counts here. Now I see that we have gotten some views from Ukraine and Germany over the past week, and I am proud to say that we can officially be called an 'international' website, being we have over 60 views from Russia alone! Now before I go and bore you with facts and numbers, let me change the subject. Our daily "This Day in History..." piece is still going on. I do know that I missed some days, but now I am fully committed to the site. I am also planning on posting more pictures to make it more colorful, which is a suggestion I received about a month ago. I take all suggestions. If you have feedback on the site, just comment right here in this post, or if you prefer, you can privately message me. On the left side, a little lower down, there is an application labelled "Contact Us." I will be happy to read that every day and I will respond as soon as I can. Thank you and have a nice day!
Jay Ellis
Jay Ellis
Thursday, November 15, 2012
This day in history... 11/15/12
Today in history in the year of 1969, Dave Thomas opened the first of many Wendy's restaurant, in Ohio.
Sorry for the delay but I promise everything should be updated and fixed by tomorrow!
And we have reached our goal of 2,000 page views! Thanks everyone!
Sorry for the delay but I promise everything should be updated and fixed by tomorrow!
And we have reached our goal of 2,000 page views! Thanks everyone!
Jay Ellis
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Update and today in history
Hello opinion4u bloggers! I have some rather good news, bad news, and some facts for you! For starters, I, Hunter Mauer, have officially taken over the site from everyone else! If you have any ideas on how to improve the site, feel free to comment here. Bad news is here as well. As you may know, Hurricane Sandy is ripping through the east coast of the United States. The base of operations of opinion4u is in the northeast, so we may be without power for a couple of days. High winds expected... However, to prepare for this, I will tell you the facts up to Wednesday. I will keep you all updated.
On October 27, 1994, the United States prison population tops one million for the first time in history!
On October 28, 1886, President Grover Cleveland dedicates the famous gift from France, the Statue of Liberty, in New York Harbor.
On October 29..... DAILY DOUBLE!
In the year of 1929, the New York stock change collasped, creating havoc. This event is known as the unoffical start of the Great Depression.
Last year, the northeast experienced a huge snow storm, power was out for a week!
On October 30, 1918, the Ottoman Empire signed an armistice with the Allies, ending the war in the middle east of World War I.
Hope to see everyone tomorrow, but until then, stay safe.
Jay Ellis
On October 27, 1994, the United States prison population tops one million for the first time in history!
On October 28, 1886, President Grover Cleveland dedicates the famous gift from France, the Statue of Liberty, in New York Harbor.
On October 29..... DAILY DOUBLE!
In the year of 1929, the New York stock change collasped, creating havoc. This event is known as the unoffical start of the Great Depression.
Last year, the northeast experienced a huge snow storm, power was out for a week!
On October 30, 1918, the Ottoman Empire signed an armistice with the Allies, ending the war in the middle east of World War I.
Hope to see everyone tomorrow, but until then, stay safe.
Jay Ellis
Friday, October 26, 2012
This Day in History... 10/26/12
On October 26, in the year 1775, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the first meeting of the Continental Congress occurs. Today is also the 300th day of the year!
Jay Ellis
Jay Ellis
Thursday, October 25, 2012
This Day in History... 10/25/12
Today in history in the year 1940, the United States appointed Benjamin O. Davis Senior to be the first ever African American general in United States' history!
Keep viewing this blog for a new fact!
Keep viewing this blog for a new fact!
Jay Ellis
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
This Day in History... 10/24/12
Today in history... DAILY DOUBLE!
That's right, once a week we will be featuring a daily double, just like the popular television show Jeopardy! Today's two facts are:
On this day in 1926, Harry Houdini had his last ever performance at Garrick Theatre in Detroit, Michigan.
On this day in 1945, the United Nations was founded.
Thanks everyone,
Jay Ellis
That's right, once a week we will be featuring a daily double, just like the popular television show Jeopardy! Today's two facts are:
On this day in 1926, Harry Houdini had his last ever performance at Garrick Theatre in Detroit, Michigan.
On this day in 1945, the United Nations was founded.
Thanks everyone,
Jay Ellis
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
This Day in History... 10/23/12
On this day in history 11 years ago,
Apple introduced the highly popular IPod.
Thanks to everyone who views this blog!
Jay Ellis
Apple introduced the highly popular IPod.
Thanks to everyone who views this blog!
Jay Ellis
Monday, October 22, 2012
This Day in History... 10/22/12
The temple of Apollo at Daphne, outside Antioch, is destroyed in a mysterious fire. It was a very old temple of the son of Zeus, in present day Turkey. This event occurred in the year 362.
Jay Ellis
Sunday, October 21, 2012
This day in History... 10/21/12
On this day in 1945, women achieved suffrage for the first time in France. I will post the photos tomorrow! Vermont was great.
Jay Ellis
Jay Ellis
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Update 10/20/12
For each day now I will be posting a new segment called "Today in history..." What will the fact be? Today's fact is: Did you know that today is former baseball and current hall of famer Mickey Mantle's 81st birthday, if he was still alive. Today is also the one year anniversary Gaddafi, the former leader of Libya, and his son's deaths. That is all for tonight, check in tomorrow for pictures and another fact! Thanks,
Jay Ellis
October 20, 2012
After a brief break of about a month, I am back! No new improvements, school has been so difficult... However, Jay Ellis is going to Vermont tomorrow! I will post some photos and a blog. Thanks all who view us.
Jay Ellis
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Quick Question
Please join us in a moment of silence to remember the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and Flight 93..........
Here is a Quick Question, which I plan on making one every day!
What is your favorite season?
Thanks for viewing,
Here is a Quick Question, which I plan on making one every day!
What is your favorite season?
Thanks for viewing,
Jay Ellis
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
News Letter
Hello readers! This is not going to be a debate, but some news. We have added a few new things in the past month. If you look in the left side, middle screen, you should see our advertisements. Also, we added NewzBabble, which is a work in progress. We will keep you all updated when that is complete. We are also doing this news letter once a week, most likely on Wednesday, unless it is a major holiday. We also do a segment weekly known as "This Weird or What." Check that out as well. Thanks for your time.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Dogs vs Cats
This post is to appeal to our younger viewers, including my five year old cousin Jordan. We all know that cats and dogs both have major advantages and disadvantages. With cats, they do not bark/attack when a guest comes to the door, instead they run away. Cats are smaller and way easier to take care of. They eat less, shed less, and just plain cost less. However, they will not protect you, and they tend to keep to themselves. A dog is a more family pet. They prefer people of any age, and will protect you no matter what. They are trained to help people. However, they bite, growl, and are more expensive in the long run. Take it from me, who spent my whole life with big German Sheperds, and seven years with two different cats, dogs are more family pets, but cats are quieter with less work. If you would like to stand up for any other pet, go right ahead. I have also had gerbils, mice, guinea pigs, hamsters, and a bearded dragon.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Apple vs. Google
For more info concerning the google-apple debate visit this awesome site that I found on the internet.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
The Olympics!
Time for the olympic competitions! This morning Preston, Chad, and I flew 8 hours across the atlantic to London, England and checked into the Lidos Hotel in London, England! Going to watch the women's swimming! Personally I love the swimming and the gymnastics. So whats your favorite olympic sport?
Friday, July 27, 2012
Youtube Surfers Unite
Hey guys I was just surfing Youtube today. Youtube has a lot of great people that have a lot of great channels like Nigahiga, Fred, Smosh, and Nicepeter. I love all those guys and more. Today Preston emailed me this awesome video that was hilairious! It is family friendly so please watch it! If you would like to watch it click here!
And my question for today is do you have any favorite videos that you would like to share in the comments? Please put the link and it should not have any bad content. (minor swearing is acceptable just say it has it) Also, if you are interested say your favorite Youtube artist!(mine is nigahiga) Thank you!
And my question for today is do you have any favorite videos that you would like to share in the comments? Please put the link and it should not have any bad content. (minor swearing is acceptable just say it has it) Also, if you are interested say your favorite Youtube artist!(mine is nigahiga) Thank you!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Movie Night!
So guys, I'm thinking about movies, especially since The Dark Night Rises is out. I want to watch it so bad. There have been lots of bestselling movies lke the hunger games, the avengers, and more. Which movie's your favorite?
Monday, July 16, 2012
Right now I'm at one of the top ten beaches in the U.S. Coast Guard Beach! This is one of my favorite beaches on cape cod, and i try to go whenever I can. The waves here are awesome, and the boogie boarding is amazing! Although it's not the beast beach I have ever been to, Coast Guard Beach is a great one. Whats your favorite beach you've ever been to?
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Home Sweet Home
Mexico was sooo fun! I swam in an underground river, saw one of the seven world wonders (Chichen-itza), and chilled at a five start resort with unlimited food! But as much as I hate to go, our plane leaves tommorow. I can't wait to tell Preston about this. So my question for today is what was the best place you've been to?
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Leaving for Mexico today! It's been raining like crazy recently on the cape, but we drove all the way (2 1/2 hours!) to Bradley Airport in Windsor locks, CT. We just borded our flight and on our way Mexico! Personally, I love flying. But what type of transportation do you like best?
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Water Sports
Today, I bought an old windsurfer for 500 dollars at an old boat shop. So far it works pretty well, but its insanely hard to maneuver. Although I love my wind surfer, I am better at sailing. I've heard of some great water sports all over the world, so whats your favorite? Going to Mexico tomorrow!
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Thanks to everyone for helping me reach 1,000 views! Keep up the great comments and come back soon!
Mexico Trip
On wednesday I'll be going to Cancun, Mexico! Preston said not to drink the water in Mexico, whatever that means... So stick with me on my trip, and I'll try to put up as many posts as I can!
Mac vs. PC
Ok, I'm back! Sorry about the lack of posts, but my computer got some sort of virus, and I ended up getting a new computer. My old computer was a Dell PC, and my new one is now a Mac! I'm still trying to figure it out, so give me some time. So my question for today is which do you like better, Mac or PC?
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Car Talk
So, my mom was driving me to Donut Palace when I saw this sweet new car ordering a FrostyFreeze in the drive-thru. Boy, was it the smoothest ride I've ever seen. I'm not much when it comes to car talk but this wild car with shiny wheels made me drop my jaw in envy. What's your dream car?
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Sky Diving
To day was the most exciting day of my life! I went sky diving! It was awesome jumping out of the plane (yes, I may have screamed like a little girl as I jumped)! The second best thing I have done so far, and if it counts as a sport, my favorite one! So, whats your favorite sport?
Friday, June 22, 2012
On The Question of Food....
Today Preston and I were talking about a new crepe cafe opening up near us, and we got into discussing our favorite foods. As always, I started obsessing about donuts. Donuts, what a magical word. Everyone has that one food that they can't stop thinking about. So, what's your favorite food?
Thursday, June 21, 2012
The 2012 Election Obama vs. Romney
So, tonight Preston and I were talking about the presidential election, and who is gonna take the lead by November. It's a pretty close competition between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama as the two try to win the voters. Who would you vote for: Romney or Obama?
Starts with my story-Ends with your opinion
Hey! My name is Jay Ellis, an average, ordinary teen that goes to school, has friends, spend my weekend hogging the couch eating donuts at dinner, and writing this blog. So today Preston (my best friend) set me up with this blog. So from now on I'm going to be making these posts and recording my life( I know sounds boring) on this website. Comment and come back after each post for more!
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